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Labor Projection Calculator

Get Total Clarity Into Your Weekly Labor Projection Goal!

FREE Restaurant Management Labor Projection Calculator and Bonus Labor Summary Report

Our Labor Projection Calculator is a simple, easy-to-use tool that will help you translate a labor percentage to the number of hours available to schedule. It's designed to help you determine how many hours per week you can schedule and make your labor goal.

Very simply, compare the daily sales to projections to determine if you need to adjust your labor hours!

This calculator will help you to:

  • Successfully and profitability make a schedule and give your assistants an easy way to manage labor during a shift
  • Use the previous 4 week's sales to project next week's labor hours and wage costs
  • Make manual adjustments for non-recurring events (like a huge catering that would skew sales averages) and seasonal adjustments
  •  Bonus labor summary report now included!

Grab the calculator and labor summary report today!


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